Class Schedule

Courses for Community Individuals ONLY

Skills Testing Scheduled and Performed at the

Ochsner CTC Location

All HeartCode Skills Testing appointments are scheduled from 9:00am to 3:00pm in available 60 minute skills testing appointment time slots. Once you purchase and COMPLETE the online portion of the HeartCode Course, please call our office with your Completion Certificate Number at 504-842-6684 to schedule a date and time for your skills testing portion of the course to be held at Ochsner Community Training Center, Elmwood campus, 1201 S. Clearview Pkwy, New Orleans, LA. Skills testing requires you being on the floor. We ask that you dress appropriately (no shorts, tank tops, flip flops). If you have any questions or concerns prior to registration, please feel free to contact us at 504-842-6684 or email us at

If you need information on how to become an AHA Instructor, please call our office at 504-842-6684 or email us at  Our office hours are Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm.



Ochsner Health CTC Staff




This course is designed to teach Healthcare professionals how to perform high-quality CPR individually or as part of a team. BLS skills are applicable to any healthcare setting. BLS students will learn rescue techniques for adults, children, and infants.


The $75.00 fee includes the online course, skills testing and upon successful completion of skills testing, the AHA eCard valid for 2 years.  If you elect to go outside of the Ochsner CTC, Elmwood campus at 1201 S. Clearview Pkwy, New Orleans, LA for your skills testing, you may be subjected to additional charges from 2nd party and no refunds will be issued from the Ochsner CTC.


Ochsner Health System CTC Staff

This course is designed for healthcare professionals who either direct or participate in the management of cardiopulmonary arrest or other cardiovascular emergencies. Throughout the online portion and skills testing students participate in simulated cases, which will enhance the students skills in the recognition and intervention of cardiopulmoanry arrest, immediate post-cardiac arrest, acute arrhytmia, stroke, and acute coronary syndromes (ACS).


The $250.00 fee includes the online course, skills testing and upon successful completion of skills testing, the AHA eCard valid for 2 years.  If you elect to go outside of the Ochsner CTC, Elmwood campus, 1201 S. Clearview Pkwy, New Orleans, LA for your skills testing, you may be subjected to additional charges from 2nd party and no refunds will be issued from the Ochsner CTC.


Ochsner Health System CTC Staff

This blended course is designed for healthcare professionals who either direct or participate in the management of respiratory and/or cardiovascular emergencies and cardiopulmoary arrest in pediatric patients. Activer participation of the online course and skills testing station will be used to enhance the recognition and intervention of respiratory emergencies, shock, and cardioplumonary arrest in pediatric patients.


The $250.00 fee includes the online course, skills testing and upon successful completion of skills testing, the AHA eCard valid for 2 years.  If you elect to go outside of the Ochsner CTC, Elmwood campus, 1201 S. Clearview Pkwy, New Orleans, LA for your skills testing, you may be subjected to additional charges from 2nd party and no refunds will be issued from the Ochsner CTC.


Ochsner Health System CTC Staff


In this course you will learn the basics of CPR, how to call for help, how to perform CPR  and use an AED for Adults, Children and Infants.


The $75.00 fee includes the online course, skills testing and upon successful completion of skills testing, the AHA eCard valid for 2 years.  If you elect to go outside of the Ochsner CTC, Elmwood campus, 1201 S. Clearview Pkwy, New Orleans, LA for your skills testing, you may be subjected to additional charges from 2nd party and no refunds will be issued from the Ochsner CTC.


Ochsner Health System CTC Staff

*In this course you will learn the basics of first aid, the most common life-threatening emergencies, how to recognize them, and how to help. You will also recognize when someone needs CPR, how to call for help, and how to give CPR and use an AED for Adults, Children, and Infants.


The $75.00 fee includes the online course, skills testing and upon successful completion of skills testing, the AHA eCard valid for 2 years.  If you elect to go outside of the Ochsner CTC, Elmwood campus, 1201 S. Clearview Pkwy, New Orleans, LA for your skills testing, you may be subjected to additional charges from 2nd party and no refunds will be issued from the Ochsner CTC.


Ochsner Health System CTC Staff

*This course is intended for those involved in childcare who have a duty to respond to illnesses and injuries in a child or infant in the first few minutes until professional help arrives.  This audience includes childcare workers, teachers, foster care workers, camp counselors, youth organizations, and coaches for children's sports organizations.  This course is also ideal for parents, grandparents, extended family, babysitters, and guardians.


The $75.00 fee includes the online course, skills testing and upon successful completion of skills testing, the AHA eCard which is valid for 2 years.  If you elect to go outside of the Ochsner CTC, Elmwood campus, 1201 S. Clearview Pkwy, New Orleans, LA for your skills testing, you may be subjected to additional charges from 2nd party and no refunds will be issued from the Ochsner CTC.


Ochsner Health System CTC Staff



This is a mandatory pre-requisite course to be completed prior to participating in the American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor Course. You must print out your Completion Certificate and submit to the Training Center via email at least 2 weeks prior to the BLS Instrucutor Course. Failure to do so will result in you forfeiting your course fee and your place in the course.